Security Checkpoint MultiFactor Authentication

close up of fingerprints on white background

What is MultiFactor Authentication and why use it?

Security Checkpoint Multifactor Authentication: easier to use than to abuse. According to some researchers as many as 73% of businesses don’t enforce Multifactor Authentication. Why use MFA and what is authentication anyways? Watch this video to learn and see why it’s worth investing a little time to add this to your work routine to keep many hackers out before they even get started.

Security Checkpoint MultiFactor Authentication image close up of fingerprints on white background
Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on

If this helped you out contact us to say thanks! You can also subscribe to our channel on YouTube to get some more tips you can’t afford to miss!

Security Checkpoint – is a new series of web videos where we go through and improve our digital privacy and security one step and one minute at a time. These are all great security and privacy practices. You can follow along as Alan goes through his digital life and cleans up data and access.

Need help with your company’s cyber security? Contact us now to see how we can help!

If this post helped you improve your digital security and privacy please like, subscribe, and click the YouTube bell. You’ll be the first to know when we have more tips on Security Checkpoint for twitter and other digital services.

Social Break Digital Business Cards

QR Code Icon

Security Checkpoint: Social Break

Ever run out of business cards right before meeting a really important contact? Still waiting on your company or printer to get your business cards ready? Want to have a business contact card ready to hand out to anyone at anytime? Of course you do!

QR Code Icon

This video shows you how to make a digital business card with a QR code that you can download to your smartphone and share with anyone to scan.

So the next time we meet at a social event you can share your business and contact info with me. No more excuses!

What you need to set up your digital business card

  • Your contact info on a webpage. This can be your personal or business website, LinkedIn page, facebook page, instagram, or digital business card.
  • A web browser that can generate the QR Code: We’ve tested Brave Browser (shown in video), Google Chrome, and Microsoft Edge. Others may work but we can’t verify that, so if you have a problem try one of those.
  • Be sure to download the QR Code image to your phone so it’s easy to show it off to new people you meet and share your contact info.

If this helped you out while socializing or marketing contact us to say thanks! You can also subscribe to our channel on YouTube to get some more tips you can’t afford to miss!

Be sure that you have the rights and consent to any information you are sharing. If it’s your company you might want to ask your manager or HR to make sure you are sharing public info. If you have your own company or want to promote yourself, make sure the info you are sharing is all available to the public and you’re comfortable sharing it in the first place. A little preparation and respect goes a long way to help everyone’s privacy and security.

Your friendly digital neighbor at Oak City IT

Security Checkpoint – is a new series of web videos where we go through and improve our digital privacy and security one step and one minute at a time. These are all great security and privacy practices. You can follow along as Alan goes through his digital life and cleans up data and access.

Need help with your company’s cyber security? Contact us now to see how we can help!

If this post helped you improve your digital security and privacy please like, subscribe, and click the YouTube bell. You’ll be the first to know when we have more tips on Security Checkpoint for twitter and other digital services.

Security Checkpoint Data Backups UrBackup

UrBackup Icon

Data Backups with UrBackup on Windows

Security Checkpoint is back with data backups in UrBackup! Data backups are an important part of your digital security plan. Don’t do them yet? That’s exactly why we use built-in tools or free open-source tools to make sure that everyone can set these up. You can’t afford to miss doing these. But like a lot of things, you or your company’s needs may vary so contact us to get setup on a plan that works for all your people and systems!

UrBackup Icon

In this example we show you a Network Attached Storage (NAS) where we sync all our data. If it’s just you and your PC Windows Backup works fine with an external Hard Drive which you can pickup affordably enough. We recommend a drive with capacity at least twice the capacity of your PC. For example if you have a PC with 256GB storage space get a drive with at least 512 GB storage space. Since you can use spinning hard drives that cost less you can certainly buy larger storage and use that.

But don’t take our word for it, check UrBackup’s official documentation.

Security Checkpoint – is a new series of web videos where we go through and improve our digital privacy and security one step and one minute at a time. These are all great security and privacy practices. You can follow along as Alan goes through his digital life and cleans up data and access.

Need help with your company’s cyber security? Contact us now to see how we can help!

If this post helped you improve your digital security and privacy please like, subscribe, and click the YouTube bell. You’ll be the first to know when we have more tips on Security Checkpoint for twitter and other digital services.

Security Checkpoint Data Backups Time Machine

Apple Time Machine Icon

Data Backups with Time Machine on macOS

Security Checkpoint is back with data backups in Time Machine! Data backups are an important part of your digital security plan. Don’t do them yet? That’s exactly why we use built-in tools or free open-source tools to make sure that everyone can set these up. You can’t afford to miss doing these. But like a lot of things, you or your company’s needs may vary so contact us to get setup on a plan that works for all your people and systems!

Apple macOS Time Machine Icon

In this example we show you a Network Attached Storage (NAS) where we sync all our data. If it’s just you and your computer Time Machine works fine with an external Hard Drive which you can pickup affordably enough. We recommend a drive with capacity at least twice the capacity of your Mac. For example if you have a Mac with 256GB storage space get a drive with at least 512 GB storage space. Since you can use spinning hard drives that cost less you can certainly buy larger storage and use that.

But don’t take our word for it, check out Apple’s official guide.

Security Checkpoint – is a new series of web videos where we go through and improve our digital privacy and security one step and one minute at a time. These are all great security and privacy practices. You can follow along as Alan goes through his digital life and cleans up data and access.

Need help with your company’s cyber security? Contact us now to see how we can help!

If this post helped you improve your digital security and privacy please like, subscribe, and click the YouTube bell. You’ll be the first to know when we have more tips on Security Checkpoint for twitter and other digital services.

Security Checkpoint Bitwarden Attachments

Bitwarden Logo

Security Checkpoint Bitwarden Add Attachments

In Security Checkpoint Bitwarden Attachments we will show you how to add an attachment to securely store images or any media file! This feature is super useful even if it’s not too obvious how to use it at first. Got a minute? We’ll get you all set!

Bitwarden Logo

It’s 2023 and you still need a password manager. Passwordless solutions are on the horizon, but in order to be ready you need to get your house in order today. One key tool to help you with that is the password manager. We use Bitwarden and recommend it to anyone who can remember their main password. If you trust yourself with that, use Bitwarden. The free account is fantastic for most people and their paid account offers more useful feature at a reasonable price. Best of all it works on all computing devices you already use: Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android, iPhone, iPad, Google Chrome, FireFox, Edge, no matter where you are online, you can use it!

Security Checkpoint – is a new series of web videos where we go through and improve our digital privacy and security one step and one minute at a time. These are all great security and privacy practices. You can follow along as Alan goes through his digital life and cleans up data and access.

Need help with your company’s cyber security? Contact us now to see how we can help!

If this post helped you improve your digital security and privacy please like, subscribe, and click the YouTube bell. You’ll be the first to know when we have more tips on Security Checkpoint for twitter and other digital services.

Security Checkpoint Bitwarden New Login Item

Bitwarden Logo

Security Checkpoint Bitwarden Create a New Login Item

In Security Checkpoint Bitwarden we will show you how to create a new login item with its own unique password!

Bitwarden Logo

It’s 2023 and you still need a password manager. Passwordless solutions are on the horizon, but in order to be ready you need to get your house in order today. One key tool to help you with that is the password manager. We use Bitwarden and recommend it to anyone who can remember their main password. If you trust yourself with that, use Bitwarden. The free account is fantastic for most people and their paid account offers more useful feature at a reasonable price. Best of all it works on all computing devices you already use: Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android, iPhone, iPad, Google Chrome, FireFox, Edge, no matter where you are online, you can use it!

Security Checkpoint – is a new series of web videos where we go through and improve our digital privacy and security one step and one minute at a time. These are all great security and privacy practices. You can follow along as Alan goes through his digital life and cleans up data and access.

Need help with your company’s cyber security? Contact us now to see how we can help!

If this post helped you improve your digital security and privacy please like, subscribe, and click the YouTube bell. You’ll be the first to know when we have more tips on Security Checkpoint for twitter and other digital services.

Security Checkpoint Bitwarden History and iPhone App

Bitwarden Logo

Security Checkpoint Bitwarden History for Generator

Security Checkpoint Bitwarden History for generated passwords will help you recover any you might have forgotten. No worries! Then we flip over to show you Bitwarden on the iPhone App. Got an Android phone? Again, no worries! Bitwarden is on all devices you use and there’s an app there too.

Bitwarden Logo

It’s 2023 and you still need a password manager. Passwordless solutions are on the horizon, but in order to be ready you need to get your house in order today. One key tool to help you with that is the password manager. We use Bitwarden and recommend it to anyone who can remember their main password. If you trust yourself with that, use Bitwarden. The free account is fantastic for most people and their paid account offers more useful feature at a reasonable price. Best of all it works on all computing devices you already use: Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android, iPhone, iPad, Google Chrome, FireFox, Edge, no matter where you are online, you can use it!

Security Checkpoint – is a new series of web videos where we go through and improve our digital privacy and security one step and one minute at a time. These are all great security and privacy practices. You can follow along as Alan goes through his digital life and cleans up data and access.

Need help with your company’s cyber security? Contact us now to see how we can help!

If this post helped you improve your digital security and privacy please like, subscribe, and click the YouTube bell. You’ll be the first to know when we have more tips on Security Checkpoint for twitter and other digital services.

Security Checkpoint Bitwarden Generator

Bitwarden Logo

Security Checkpoint Bitwarden Generator

Security Checkpoint Bitwarden Generator can help you create and securely store unique passwords for all your digital life.

Bitwarden Logo

It’s 2023 and you still need a password manager. Passwordless solutions are on the horizon, but in order to be ready you need to get your house in order today. One key tool to help you with that is the password manager. We use Bitwarden and recommend it to anyone who can remember their main password. If you trust yourself with that, use Bitwarden. The free account is fantastic for most people and their paid account offers more useful feature at a reasonable price. Best of all it works on all computing devices you already use: Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android, iPhone, iPad, Google Chrome, FireFox, Edge, no matter where you are online, you can use it!

Security Checkpoint – is a new series of web videos where we go through and improve our digital privacy and security one step and one minute at a time. These are all great security and privacy practices. You can follow along as Alan goes through his digital life and cleans up data and access.

Need help with your company’s cyber security? Contact us now to see how we can help!

If this post helped you improve your digital security and privacy please like, subscribe, and click the YouTube bell. You’ll be the first to know when we have more tips on Security Checkpoint for twitter and other digital services.

Security Checkpoint Layered Approach and Bitwarden

Bitwarden Logo

Security Checkpoint A Layered Approach to Security

Security Checkpoint A Layered Approach to Security

Security Checkpoint why use a layered approach with Bitwarden? Imagine having a few pieces of Swiss cheese, each one has holes in different places. Then imagine stacking them on top of each other until there are no holes. Now things can’t get through. This is why we use a layered approach to security. Some measures may not prevent some attacks, but together several layers will prevent most risks.

Security Checkpoint – is a new series of web videos where we go through and improve our digital privacy and security one step and one minute at a time. These are all great security and privacy practices. You can follow along as Alan goes through his digital life and cleans up data and access.

It’s two for Tuesday today since we have 2 videos to share today!

Introduction to Bitwarden

It’s 2023 and you still need a password manager. Passwordless solutions are on the horizon, but in order to be ready you need to get your house in order today. One key tool to help you with that is the password manager. We use Bitwarden and recommend it to anyone who can remember their main password. If you trust yourself with that, use Bitwarden. The free account is fantastic for most people and their paid account offers more useful feature at a reasonable price. Best of all it works on all computing devices you already use: Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android, iPhone, iPad, Google Chrome, FireFox, Edge, no matter where you are online, you can use it!

Need help with your company’s cyber security? Contact us now to see how we can help!

If this post helped you improve your digital security and privacy please like, subscribe, and click the YouTube bell. You’ll be the first to know when we have more tips on Security Checkpoint for twitter and other digital services.

Building a Better You: Tech with Alan Youngblood

Building A Better You Tech Talk Podcast
Microphone in podcast studio

Ep. 16 The Tech Industry Uses So Much Jargon – IT with Alan Youngblood

Building a better you tech talk new podcast just dropped today! When Nick Spindler and Chris Morgan, co-hosts of the Garner Young Professionals‘ Building a Better You podcast invited our founder Alan Youngblood to join for an episode he was delighted. We’ve listened to several episodes of the podcast and highly recommend that you listen, subscribe, and like the channel.

Nick and Chris are doing a great job collaborating with the Garner Chamber of Commerce. They created a great resource that is sourced by our community and the shared knowledge and wisdom we each bring.

Building A Better You Tech Talk

In episode 16 Alan Youngblood shares about Building a Better You and talks tech with Nick and Chris. The conversation covers the fundamental IT security practices that everyone can do to improve and mitigate real risks. There’s even some decidedly low-tech suggestions that Alan shares about how he connects with nature and integrates more humanity in life and work. Listen below and contact us if you have questions or need help with your company’s technology!

18. A Look Back w/ Nicole Barone Building a Better You

In this episode, Nicole Barone is back to help us take a look at the podcast so far and dive deeper into some of the insights we've gained from it. Info about the Garner Young Professionals: HERE Info about Davis Insurance and Financial Services: HERE Contact Nicole: [email protected] Info about Community of Hope Ministries: HERE Info about Chris Morgan – Grow Local Realty: HERE Info about Nick Spindler – Grow Local Realty: HERE Music by Zeph Park
  1. 18. A Look Back w/ Nicole Barone
  2. 17. A Good Foundation w/ Tarkisha Poole
  3. 16. The Tech Industry Uses So Much Jargon – IT w/ Alan Youngblood
  4. 15. What If I Want To Change Careers? w/ Sarah Edwards
  5. 14. Knowing Your Why w/ Denise Pavona